PETER CLARKE is a writer native to Port Angeles, Washington currently living in Oakland, California.  

MARGARET EVELYN is a pseudonym for a young lady who is not quite ready to burn all of her familial bridges. She has published numerous essays and poetry, but you will have to figure it out yourself. She lives in California. 

MICHAEL MAGNES knows a lot about Richard Nixon and is working on a novel about a comedian. 

ROBERT KERBECK has been selected for a mentorship from the managing editor of Tin House. His play Putin and the Snowman opened Off-Braodway in July. 

M.G. POE grew up in Miami, but now lives in Los Angeles. She once earned her living as a hackney for the radio industry, and can still crank out copy on demand in under forty minutes. 

THABIT WELLS is a Bay Area poet who is currently attending a doctoral program in clinical psychology. He finds poetry in every moment. 

DOUGLAS COLE has published four collections of poetry and a novella. 

JOHN GROCHALSKI lives in Brooklyn, New York, where the garbage can smell like roses if you wish on it hard enough. 

APRIL JONES is the Fiction Editor ofDrunk Monkeys. received her M.F.A. from Antioch University and her B.S. from Brigham Young University-Idaho. Her works have appeared in The Boston Poetry Magazine and Fast Forward Fiction

NANCY SMILER is the author of numerous books for young readers, and a Pushcart Prize nominee. 

GABRIEL RICARD is an editor and contributor with Kleft Jaw, the author of Captain Canada's Movie Rodeo, and a contributor at Cultured Vultures. 

RODD WHELPLEY is the secret poet in residence at the Illinois Municipal Electric Agency. 

KIM BAILEY DEAL writes Women's Fiction, short stories, poetry, and non-fiction. She authors a weekly column and is the Social Media Coordinator for Five 2 One Magazine. 

DONALD McCARTHY is the Features Editor of Drunk Monkeys. His fiction has appeared in KZine and Cover of Darkness and his non-fiction has appeared in The Progressive Populist. 

CHARLES JOSEPH lives and writes deep in the heart of New Jersey. 

MEGAN MERCHANT lives in the tall pines of Prescott, Arizona and teaches Mindfulness & Meditation at Prescott College. 

ALEX SCHUMACHER has toiled away in the relative obscurity of minimum-wage jobs and underground comics longer than he cares to admit. 

© 2016 Marginalia Publishing | all original content © the contributing writer | Drunk Monkeys logo designed by Severin Piehl and Allan Ferguson | cover image designed by Allan Ferguson