SUE BABCOCK delights in writing stories, especially stories of dark fantasy and human failings, and is occasionally published, when she remembers to submit. 

APRIL JONES is the Fiction Editor of Drunk Monkeys. received her M.F.A. from Antioch University and her B.S. from Brigham Young University-Idaho. Her works have appeared in The Boston Poetry Magazine and Fast Forward Fiction

NATE MAXSON is a writer and performance artist. He lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico. 

M.G. POE grew up in Miami, but now lives in Los Angeles. She once earned her living as a hackney for the radio industry, and can still crank out copy on demand in under forty minutes. 

JAC-LYNN STARK is a poet and teacher who lives north of Boston, Massachusetts. 

JOEY GOULD tutors writing at Framingham State University and lives in Hopedale, Massachusetts. 

NASHAE JONES lives in Virginia with her husband and two kids. 

DONALD McCARTHY is the Features Editor of Drunk Monkeys. His fiction has appeared in KZine and Cover of Darkness and his non-fiction has appeared in The Progressive Populist. 

GABRIEL RICARD is an editor and contributor with Kleft Jaw, the author of Captain Canada's Movie Rodeo, and a contributor at Cultured Vultures. 

DAVID WALKER is the father of one son and the author of three poetry chapbooks. 

MATTHEW GUERRUCKEY is the founding editor of Drunk Monkeys. He lives in North Hollywood, California with his wife, poet S.C. Stuckey. 

VITA LUSTY is a non-fiction writer hiding in the Joshua Tree desert and finishing her first book in a key lime house with a pack of rescued dogs. 

LYNN MUNDELL lives in Northern California, where she co-edits 100 Word Story

ALEX SCHUMACHER has toiled away in the relative obscurity of minimum-wage jobs and underground comics longer than he cares to admit. 

AARON WIEGERT is the Poetry Editor of Drunk Monkeys. He is the author of two chapbooks, and has been published in literary journals throughout the world. 

© 2016 Marginalia Publishing | all original content © the contributing writer | Drunk Monkeys logo designed by Severin Piehl and Allan Ferguson | cover image designed by Allan Ferguson