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DRUNK MONKEYS IS A Literary Magazine and Film Blog founded in 2011 featuring short stories, flash fiction, poetry, film articles, movie reviews, and more


managing editor

chris pruitt

founding editor matthew guerrero

POETRY / Abecedarian Quarto for Ms. Frizzle / Gretchen Rockwell

Photo by Elijah Ekdahl on Unsplash
ms frizzle.jpeg

Gretchen Rockwell is a queer poet currently living in Scotland. Xe is the author of the chapbook Lexicon of Future Selves (Vegetarian Alcoholic Press) and two microchapbooks; xer work has most recently appeared in AGNI, Cotton Xenomorph, perhappened mag, Whale Road Review, and elsewhere. Gretchen enjoys writing poetry about gender, history, myth, science, space, and unusual connections – find xer at or on Twitter at @daft_rockwell.

TELEVISION / Falcon, Winter, Soldier, Spy / Jeanne Obbard

ESSAY / In Defense of Astrid Weissman: Womanhood and Identity as a Jewish Convert / Marlee Abbott