With pop culture poems, I always seek to examine and explore societal issues, gender, sexuality, and other human dynamics. With my Joe Pesci and Werner Catzog poems, I use these personas to explore what it means to be human; with the Pesci poems in particular, I'm examining gender roles and dynamics - and often use my own childhood and background into it, as someone raised in a religious and conservative household. With the Werner poems, I've blended the persona of Werner as a cat to cast the absurdity of modern constructs and expectations, as well as power plays and dynamics. 

The Joe Pesci of Astrology

The Joe Pesci of Coworkers

Joe Pesci As Your Overbearing Italian Dad

Excerpt from Werner Catzog 1

Excerpt from Werner Catzog 2

Excerpt from Werner Catzog 3


Never Curb Your Enthusiasm, Or: How My Latest Nervous Breakdown Looks Like a Surreal Bernie Sanders Rally by Justin Karcher

The Forbidden Forever by Caroline Misner

Revisiting Kate Winslet's Hair in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind by Zebib K. A.


Captain Canada's Movie Rodeo by Gabriel Ricard

Finding the Sacred Among the Profane: The Black Dahlia by Sean Woodard

Who Carries The Banner? Celebrating Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice 50 Years Later by Holyn Thigpen


One Perfect Episode: King of the Hill by Matthew Daugherty

A Shitposter's Zodiac of Lucifer by Joey Gould


The A-List Playlist: In My Mind and In My Car by Josh Ingram


Mr. Butterchips by Alex Schumacher

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